Diaphragm valve installation and maintenance

Source: Internet Release Date: 2011/4/14

Diaphragm valveBefore installation, carefully check whether the operating conditions of the pipeline are consistent with the scope of use specified by this valve, and clean the inner cavity to prevent dirt from jamming or damaging the sealing parts.


②Do not apply grease or oil on the surface of the rubber lining and rubber diaphragm to prevent the rubber from swelling and affectingDiaphragm valveService life.


③The hand wheel or transmission mechanism is not allowed to be used for lifting, and collision is strictly prohibited.


④Manual operationDiaphragm valveAt the time, no auxiliary lever shall be used to prevent excessive torque from damaging the drive components or sealing parts.


Diaphragm valveShould be stored in a dry and ventilated room, stacking is strictly prohibited, both ends of the stock diaphragm valve must be sealed, and the opening and closing parts should be in a slightly open state.

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